Endocrine disoders questions.


Endocrine disorders

1. A 28-year-old woman is scheduled for a glucose tolerance test. She asks the nurse what results indicate diabetes mellitus. The nurse should respond that the minimum parameter for indication of diabetes mellitus is a 2-hour blood glucose level greater than: ?
A. 120 mg/dL.
B. 150 mg/dL.
C. 200 mg/dL. lining .
D. 250 mg/dL .

2. A patient is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The nurse should expect clinical signs and symptoms similar to: ?
A. hypovolemic shock.
B. sympathetic nervous system stimulation.
C. benzodiazepine overdose.
D. Addison’s disease.

3. A patient with thyroid cancer undergoes a thyroidectomy. After surgery, the patient develops peripheral numbness and tingling and muscle twitching and spasms. The nurse should expect to administer: ?
A. a thyroid supplement.
B. an antispasmodic.
C. a barbiturate.
D. I.V. calcium gluconate.

4. A patient with intractable asthma develops Cushing’s syndrome. Development of this complication can most likely be attributed to long-term or excessive use of: ?
A. prednisone
B. theophylline.
C. metaproterenol (Alupent).
D. cromolyn (Intal).

5. Which nursing diagnosis is most likely for a patient with an acute episode of diabetes insipidus?
A. Imbalanced nutrition: More than body requirements
B. Deficient fluid volume
C. Impaired gas exchange
D. Ineffective tissue perfusion: Cardiopulmonary

6. A patient presents with diaphoresis, palpitations, jitters, and tachycardia approximately 1 hours after tak-ing his regular morning insulin. Which treatment option is appropriate for this patient?
A. Blood glucose level monitoring and carbohydrate administration
B. Nitroglycerin administration and ECG
C. Pulse oximetry monitoring and oxygen therapy
D. Salt restriction, diuretic administration, and paracentesis

7. When teaching a newly diagnosed diabetic patient about diet and exercise, the nurse should teach the patient how to: ?
A. use fiber laxatives and bulk-forming agents.
B. manage fluids, proteins, and electrolytes.
C. reduce calorie intake before exercising.
D. manage caloric goals, diet, and physical activity.

8. A 52-year-old patient reports weight gain and fatigue. On assessment, her vital signs are a blood pressure of 120/74 mm Hg, a pulse rate of 52 beats/minute, a respiratory rate of 20 breaths/minute, and a temperature of 98° F (36.7° C). Laboratory results show low T4 and T3 levels. The nurse knows these signs and symptoms are associated with which condition?
A. Tetany
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Hyperthyroidism
D. Hypokalemia

9. A patient is admitted with a diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism. Which of the following signs would the nurse expect to fi nd?
A. Bulging eyes
B. Renal calculi
C. Weight gain
D. Weight loss diet

10. A 37-year-old patient complains of muscle weakness, anorexia, and darkening of his skin. The nurse reviews his laboratory data and notes fi ndings of low serum sodium and high serum potassium levels. The nurse recognizes that these signs and symptoms are associated with which condition?
A. Addison’s disease
B. Cushing’s syndrome
C. Diabetes insipidus
D. Thyroid storm

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