Respiratory disorders Questions


Respiratory disorders

1. A patient with pneumonia in the right lower lobe is prescribed percussion and postural drainage. When performing percussion and postural drainage, the nurse should position him ?
A. in semi-Fowler’s position with his knees bent.
B. in a right side-lying position with the foot of his bed elevated.
C. in a prone or supine position with the foot of his bed elevated higher than his head.
D. bent at the waist leaning slightly forward.

2. A patient with acquired immunode ciency syndrome (AIDS) develops P. jiroveci pneumonia. Which nursing diagnosis has the highest priority for this patient?
A. Impaired gas exchange
B. Impaired oral mucous membranes
C. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements
D. Activity intolerance

3. A patient has chronic bronchitis. The nurse is teaching him breathing exercises. Which point should the nurse include in her teaching?
A. Make inhalation longer than exhalation.
B. Exhale through an open mouth.
C. Use diaphragmatic breathing.
D. Use chest breathing.

4. A patient with ARDS is intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation. His Pao2 is 60 mm Hg on 1.0 Fio2. To improve his Pao2 without raising the Fio2, the patient will most likely be placed on :
A. time-cycled ventilation.
B. volume-cycled ventilation.
C. pressure support.

5. When auscultating the chest of a patient with pneumonia, the nurse should expect to hear which type of sounds over areas of consolidation?
A. Bronchial
B. Bronchovesicular
C. Tubular
D. Vesicular

6. A patient’s history reveals that he suffers from daytime symptoms of asthma that occur 3 to 6 days a week. How would his asthma severity be described ?
A. Mild intermittent
B. Mild persistent
C. Moderate persistent
D. Severe persistent

7. A 66-year-old patient has marked dyspnea at rest, is thin, and uses accessory muscles to breathe. He is tachypneic, with a prolonged expiratory phase. He has no cough. He leans forward with his arms braced on his knees to support his chest and shoulders for breathing. This patient has signs and symptoms of which respira-tory disorder ?
B. Asthma
C. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
D. Emphysema

8. A nurse is preparing to reinforce the teaching plan for a patient who has recently been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the left lung. Which statement by the nurse is correct?
A. “You have a slow -growing cancer that rarely spreads.”
B. “In terms of prognosis, you may have only a few months to live.”
C. “Squamous cell cancer is a very rapidly growing cancer.”
D. “The cancer has generally metastasized by the time diagnosis is made.”

9. Which respiratory disorder is most common in the rst 24 to 48 hours after surgery?
A. Atelectasis
B. Bronchitis
C. Pneumonia
D. Pneumothorax

10. A patient with acute asthma showing inspiratory and expiratory wheezes and a decreased forced expira-tory volume should be treated immediately with which class of medication?
A. Beta-adrenergic blockers
B. Bronchodilators
C. Inhaled steroids
D. Oral steroids

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