
In this article, I want to give you some super easy ways of hypercalcemia (causes, signs & symptoms, nursing interventions)? This article will give you some mnemonics on how to remember hypercalcemia for nursing exams.

Normal calcium levels in the blood: 8.6 to 10.0 mg/dL (>10.0 is hypercalcemia)


Hyper: excessive

Calc: prefix for calcium

Emia: blood

Meaning of Hypercalcemia: excessive calcium in the blood

Causes of Hypercalcemia

RememberHigh Cal

Hyperparathyroidism (high parathyroid hormone causes too much calcium to be released into the blood)

Increased intake of calcium (excessive use of oral calcium or Vitamin D supplements)

Glucocorticoids usage (suppresses calcium absorption which leaves more calcium in the blood)


Calcium excretion decreased with Thiazide* diuretics & renal failure, cancer of the bones

Adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s Disease)

Lithium usage (affects the parathyroid and causes phosphate to decrease and calcium to increase)

Signs & Symptoms of Hypercalcemia

Remember- “The body is too WEAK

Weakness of muscles

EKG changes shortened QT interval (most common) and prolonged PR interval

Absent reflexes, absent-minded (disorientated), abdominal distention from constipation

Kidney Stone formation

Nursing Interventions

Mild cases of Hypercalcemia

Keep patient hydrated (decrease chance of renal stone formation)

Keep the patient safe from falls or injury

Monitor cardiac, GI, renal, neuro status

Assess for complaints of flank or abdominal pain & strain urine to look for stone formation

Decrease calcium-rich foods and intake of calcium-preserving drugs like thiazide
supplements, Vitamin D

Moderate cases of Hypercalcemia

Administer calcium reabsorption inhibitors: Calcitonin, Bisphosphonates, prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors (ASA, NSAIDs)

Severe cases of Hypercalcemia

Prepare patient for dialysis

To help you remember foods high in calcium remember the phrase:

Young Sheetal’s calcium serum continues trandomly mess-up”





Collard greens




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